Hello lovely people!

Following USA Road Trip Part 1 and Part 2, here comes Part 3, San Francisco.

I must say I had mixed feelings about San Francisco. I absolutely love some parts of it and others, well, I would never return to be honest.I have always wanted to go to San Francisco; coloured houses, the hills, the chic shabby coffee places, the tram, etc. It’s a city that somehow has always interested me. The truth is, it was not like in the movies. The coloured houses are only a few in the very expensive neighbourhoods, it’s the second most expensive city in the US and the hills are killers (especially for very unfit people like me!).

We stayed right in the centre of it all just a block away from Union Square.
We arrived to San Fran at around 7-8pm so we literally left our bags in the room and walked around the area before heading to the local dinner around the corner from our hotel for some dinner. We realised that the prices in San Francisco where so much more expensive than anywhere else we’d been so far and the city tax was double than the city tax in Las Vegas or Arizona. That was a bit of a bummer for us considering we were travelling on a budget. We decided we’d get some food to take back to the hotel the next day but we could not find a supermarket anywhere! Where do people from San Francisco buy their bread and eggs!?

On our second day in this city we woke up very early and grabbed the tram to Fisherman’s Wharf, which is a huge area with around 50 piers, all different. The tram ride was interesting. We waited for about 40 minutes to get into one and once we were on it, I must admit, it was pretty cool. I didn’t feel very safe though as you’re standing up with half of your body out the vehicle and you can physically touch the cars driving pass if you get your arm out just a little bit. 

Pier 39 was very nice. There are loads of restaurants and shops and although they’re quite expensive it’s actually very nice to just walk around the pier. You can also see Alcatraz Island from the end of the Pier. 

Something else which was very interesting was China Town and Lombard Street.
San Francisco’s China Town is one of the biggest in the US and it really feels like you’re in a completely different country.
Lombard Street is famous for being the ‘crockiedest’ street in the world. We found out that there is actually another street in San Francisco even more ‘crockieder’  but it’s not as pretty so it’s not a tourist attraction. The houses in Lombard Street are all around 5 million dollars JUST because of where they are. 

San Francisco is a very humid, cold and foggy place so if you’re a bit high up in a building you can see the whole city covered in fog. When we went to visit the Golden Gate Bridge was so windy we literally jumped out of the car, took the photo and got back in!

We spent a total of 5 days in San Francisco and although there’s loads to see, if we ever did it again we’d only go for 2-3 days. In the next post I’ll talk about Alcatraz, which was definitely my favourite thing of the city.

Stay tunned!


  1. I've always wanted to go on a road trip around the US, so I'm definitely going to hop back and read the rest of your posts - your photos are amazing!

    Owl Girl | A London lifestyle blog

  2. I love your photos, I've visited a few places in the US but San Francisco is still on my to do list, hoping to tick it off next year and your photos have made me more excited. I've read about how expensive it is so am prepared for that

    Belle x Part of Belle's world


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